Challenge Poverty Week 2020

Challenge Poverty Week 2020

We all want to do right by each other. And yet, we live in a society where one in five people live with the constant pressure of living in poverty.

Too many people are struggling to pay bills, put food on the table and take part in society. This is particularly true for women, disabled people and people from black and minority ethnic communities.

Challenge Poverty Week is designed to highlight the growing problem of poverty in Scotland and showcase the solutions we can all get behind to solve it.

As we plan our economic recovery, we must redesign our economy to reflect the values of justice and compassion we all share. By boosting people’s incomes and reducing the cost of living we can end poverty.

Our governments must invest in affordable and accessible public services and ensure that social security benefits provide enough money for people to live a decent life. Employers must offer secure contracts and ensure every worker is paid a real Living Wage. We can all play our part by holding governments to account.

#ChallengePoverty #TogetherWeCan

What we're doing

The Wise Group is a leading social enterprise working to lift people out of poverty. As an enterprise, we build bridges to opportunity for the most vulnerable in our society. Our team does this through mentoring support, employment, skills, and energy advice.

Every day we support our customers into jobs, work to lift people out of fuel poverty, and help people coming out of prison to build a better future.  Our work is varied, and underlying everything we do is a passion and commitment for social justice and a fairer society for all.  That is why we fully support the work of The Poverty Alliance and are showing our support for this year’s Challenge Poverty Week.

This week, we will:

  • Show how our amazing colleagues challenge poverty everyday in the work they do
  • Write to MSPs to ask for their support for solutions to end poverty
  • Launch a new partnership with Homes for Good to provide vital energy advice to private tenants
  • Sharing the Wise Group’s priorities for a twin track recovery from the effects of covid-19
  • Taking part in an online discussion as part of the Poverty Alliance’s Annual Conference

Follow us on Twitter or get in touch to discuss ways we can challenge poverty together.

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