Moving from rhetoric to reality – the Wise Group’s manifesto for better lives in a better Scotland

The Wise Group manifesto outlines what we need to build better lives in a better Scotland.

The Wise Group is on a mission to transform people’s lives.

As one of Scotland’s leading social enterprises, the Wise Group believes that our work offers valuable insight into some of society’s most significant social and economic challenges, now more than ever.

We believe social enterprise through, ethics, values and emotional intelligence can bring about a revolutionary repositioning of the societal components that truly underpin Scotland’s recovery.

We represent the systems change leadership our wellbeing economy needs. Offering a route into communities, we enable whole groups, often those most marginalised, to become agents of their own change.

We navigate the complex arrangements of institutions of power in rapidly changing environments. In doing so, we can shift the rigid structures that entrench inequality and move this objective from rhetoric to reality.

Here we set out our asks of the next Scottish Government.

Read the Wise Group manifesto

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