i.HEAT visited a customer, a single parent with a young family. She was concerned that she was spending too much on her energy and was paying back too much per week for her gas and electricity debt. We called her energy company and reduced the debt repayment to £3.65 per week.
We explained that a new energy efficient boiler would go some way to reducing her gas usage, and called Home Energy Scotland for advice. They advised her to fill in an application for a new gas central heating system through the Scottish Governments Energy Action Scotland Scheme, she was successful. The new system will save her £256 a year.
With the energy saving advice given to the customer we discovered she had the potential to save £110 annually if she implemented the suggested changes. We provided her with a power down which has the potential to save a further £22 a year.
We applied for the Warm Home Discount from her energy provider and she was awarded £280 over two years.
We also applied to the energy suppliers Priority Assistance Fund, and were successful in having her £7809 gas and electricity debt written off.
Through i.HEAT support, the total household savings totalled £12977. With her debts cleared, a new central heating system and information on how to save energy around her home the customer is thrilled with the help she received.